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Tips from Renowned Dentist Dr. A.S. Malik on Dealing with Dental Issues in Summer

Dental Tips: Summer brings not just holidays and endless fun, but also the risk of dental problems for both children and adults. Everyone knows the impact of summer on our bodies, but are you aware that the scorching heat can also harm your teeth and gums? Apart from diseases like chickenpox, measles, sunburn, and other summer ailments, various dental issues can also arise during the hot season.
With some precautionary measures, you can mitigate dental irregularities associated with summers, such as toothaches and dental sensitivity.
In this article, our dental experts and oral hygiene specialists have explained how the summer heat affects dental problems.
1) Dehydration: During summers, dehydration often occurs due to the rise in body temperature caused by the heat. Rehydrating yourself with fluids helps balance the lack of water in your body, preventing adverse effects like dizziness, dry skin, fever, etc.
Such prolonged dehydration adversely affects your oral health too. Reduced moisture levels in the body affect saliva glands, resulting in decreased saliva flow. Low saliva levels cause your teeth and gums to dry out, providing a breeding ground for oral bacteria and leading to various dental problems.
2) Acid in Cold Drinks: Many people prefer carbonated beverages, fruit juices, and sparkling water for hydration. Despite helping to lower body temperature and provide hydration, these liquid substances contain excessive sugar and acidic components harmful to teeth.
In simpler terms, if you consume carbonated drinks for hydration, you are paving the way for bacteria to thrive in your mouth. This ultimately leads to dental issues like cavities, toothaches, etc.
3) Heat: If you have underlying dental issues, your teeth will react to the increased temperature during summers. For instance, bacteria present in decayed teeth take advantage of the summer heat and cause swelling around the teeth. This results in severe toothaches.
In most cases, summer does not directly harm our teeth. However, whatever we expose our teeth to in high summer temperatures increases the risk of seasonal dental problems.
4) Increased Risk of Minor Dental Injuries: Small dental injuries that occur while playing or engaging in physical activities become worse during the summer season.
Since it’s vacation time, children love to play. Whether indoors or outdoors, they may fall and injure themselves. When small chips or cracks occur on the surface of the teeth, they often don’t lead to serious consequences. However, the small injuries that occur on the surfaces of teeth due to high summer temperatures increase the risk of sensitive teeth-like problems.
Ground Level: In most cases, the summer season doesn’t directly harm our teeth. However, whatever we expose our teeth to in high summer temperatures increases the risk of seasonal dental problems.
Maintaining your dental health during summers is possible by consuming natural fluids for hydration instead of carbonated drinks, keeping your teeth and gums clean, avoiding acidic food items, and getting regular dental check-ups during the summer months.