Mental health: what is the impact of social media on are mental health, new trends in it, and reaction of society on the same.

 Mental health: what is the impact of social media on are mental health, new trends in it, and reaction of society on the same.

Mental Health

Mental health: A person’s emotional and psychological way to act in different situation is known as mental health. It is a very important factor of are heath as its effect the way a person feels, thinks or acts.

Apart from this Mental health, is also a condition in which a person can figure out their weakness, stress, and trigger points. which can harm them if not take care properly. Just like are physical health, mental health is also important for all people and all age group.

Mental Health
what is Mental Health?

What cause meatal health issues?

Some of the reasons that causes mental health issues are as follows:

1.Lifestyle factor– It includes are way of living are activity, sleep schedule and food habits.

2.Family trauma- some time the surrounding and people we live with affect are mental health. One the most important people for this factor is our family or relatives.

3.Biological factor- It includes genetic, hormonal imbalances or other condition inside or outside our body.

4.Environmental factor- Our toxic environment or bad relationship led to mental health disorder.

5.Psychological factor- our past traumas, the way we grow up and people in are life effects are mental health.

Some other factors are- Abuse, loss, grief, social factor and sleeping or eating habits.

causes of mental health
causes of mental health.

Social media on mental health.

Social media can create both positive and negative effect on our mental health in the following way: –

Positive impact.

1.It help us stay connected and talk to people about various issues of mental and physical health issues.

2.It help us to educate people and tell them about importance of mental health.

3.It help us to aware people and latest update or issue.

4.It help us to express our self and share our thoughts.

5.It help us build support and a good network among the people on social media.

effects of social media on mental health.
Effects of social media on mental health.

Negative impact.

1.It increases feelings like jealousy and low self-esteem.

2.It promotes issues like harassment and cyberbullying.

3.It makes us feel left out or FOMO (fear of missing out)

4.It spread several unwanted or wrong information

5.It makes us addictive and obsessed.

People reaction on mental health.

The reaction of people on mental health can be both positive or negative in the following way: –

Positive reaction.

1.Creates empathy.

2.Help to build our support system.

3.Make us aware.

4.Builds understanding.

5.spread reality and safe of living.

People reaction on Mental Health.
People reaction on Mental Health.

Negative reaction.

1.They create sigma.

2.Lot of judgement.

3.Create misunderstanding.

4.Faking issues and problem.

5.Set unwanted stereotype.

New trends for mental health.

Some new trends for mental health are as follow:-

1.Mental health apps.

2.Artificial intelligence.

3.Online or Offline Counselling.

4.Therapy and self-care workshop.

5.Brain or mental health tests.

6.Programes on digital detox.

7.Tracker or journaling apps.

8.Cheap mental health resources.

9.Screen time or social media usage timing.

10.Detox for brain.

These are some new trends for mental health and awareness.

Trends of mental health
Trends of mental health

How to protect your mental health?

We can protect our mental health in the following way: –

1.By prioritizing yourself.

2.Exercising and yoga doing regularly.

3.By doing self-care.

4.By doing Time-management.

5.By Sleep well and tied.

Mental health protection.
Mental health protection.

6.Sharing feeling with people we trust and love.

7.By learning to say no.

8.Limit toxic people and behavior from your life.

9.Acknowledging yourself and your emotion. taking therapy, counselling, and support.

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Enakshi Dasgupta

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